Thursday, September 5, 2013

blind faith v/s. science

Jai Jinendra,

 I would prefer first to answer your questions followed by further comments.
 (a) One Body one soul for human beings:
 In case of double headed human baby there are in fact two bodies but joined together and hence two souls. Clincially therefore when both are separated they enjoy two independent life. Jainism does not rule out the possibility of birth of more than one at at a time and hence the principles of jainism are not under peril.
 I may give you another example of "Bharand" bird which are given while explaining how one should be vigilent - 'apramat' in sansari life. This bird has one main body with two heads and there are two souls enjoying the same body. This birds are independent of thinking on their own. But the tragedy is that if one soul thinks to fly on one side while other thinks to fly on opposite side, their body gets immediately torn of and both of them dies. For this reason to which they are fully aware of, they always remain alert. We are asked to be so much alert like "Bharand" bird.

 (b) Soul - where it can go? What stops him?
 One of the characteristics of soul is that it can contract or expand its space - size - pradesh. It can be as much large as the whole of 14 Rajlok or it can contract to a size lesser than parmanu - atom (don't take defination of science for atom - this is different in Jainism). This makes soul to go anywhere and what question is raised is that how a soul can take birth in dry seeds sown in land can be explained by this characteristic of a soul.
 (c) Longivity on rise :
 I do not know from where you go the impression that before 150 years the common age of human being was only 50 years. This is what a problem with us is that we even don't see what is in front of us. See around yourself and you will find that old people have more longetivity than the new generation. I do not rule out that advancement of medical science may keep the human being alive and longivity is increased but if you look in general terms, our forefathers or the people in village having very simple life style and live longer than the present generation staying in cities. The one more problem with all of us is that we always take the statistical figures to be correct without understanding the basis for them and their limitations and we ignore the bare fact which we can vouch for in front of us. Let us take an example of health, which has presently deteriorated to a large extent due to our way of living being chaged drastically. But we still believe that science did more good to our life.
 (d) Population in rise vis-a-vis Pancham Kaal:  I think I have already explained earlier that to take birth as a human being, it is not solely due to Punya Karma but also largely due to quantity of Paap Karma on a lower bounderies. A soul which is passing through narak - hell and tiryanch gati becomes lesser burdened with Paap Karma. So it becomes qualified to take the birth as a human being. This is called in Jainism a "Nadi Pashan Nyay" i.e. same principles by which stone of a river becomes soft and round due to continous flow of water. This is not the end but while a soul finds out a proper place at a proper time that it could take that Yoni - (Place fit to make body) there are around 7 lacs to 14 lacs such jivas which are attempting to take birth and of which only one could take successful control of the Yoni and that is how a human body is achieved. Whereas rest of the souls takes birth in a different 'gati'.
 Your question is why population in Pancham Kaal is on rise?. Here, firstly, you are taking into account only so called known world whereas unknown world is many many times bigger than this. You will have clear idea of the Universe - 14 Rajlok if you little in depth and than you will not have these questions.
 (e) Clone Babies:
 Jainism never says that to take a birth womb is required. The emphasis is always on Yoni - i.e. a place where enviornment and matters are fit for a soul to take birth.
 It would be pertinent to know that there was one Yoniprabhut Shashtra which dealt with how Yoni can be created. The references to Yoniprabhut Shashtras are still available in many of the Agams which are available even today. I know of an incident which I read where reference is given from Yoniprabhut Shashtra but being out of subject, I would put at an appropriate place.
 Clone babies are born by artificially creating an enviornment like a womb and ensuring that all matters required for a fit Yoni are made available. Jainism does not insist on a womb in a woman body, it can be anywhere. However, the baby would have the defects depending on defects of environments and matters.
 To sum up, Cloning has not endangered the principles of jainism whereas principles of other religions are definately at danger.

 (f) Present state of Bihar and Lord Mahaveer:
 Your doubt as I can read is only due to insufficient understanding of principles of Jainism. However, the Punya Karma of Tirthankars known as Tirthankar Naam Karma passes away with the liberation of Tirthankars. But still the effect of this Karma is so strong that it has effect even today after a lapse of appx. 2600 years and it can be felt. This effect is like when a wheel of a Kumbhar which keeps on running for a long time even when no one is moving it due to the force it had.
 Punya Karma of Lord Mahaveer is even effective today and would remain, but for those who are encircled by it. If one choose to remain out of it than naturally how can it affect him.

(g) Financial prosperity and non-jains.
 Financial prosperity is the outcome of Punya Karma but not necessarily clear or Shudhha. To put it differently even Punya Karmas are differentiated with those which becomes reason to bind more Punya Karma and those which become reason to bind more Paap Karma. The first one are called Punyanubandhi Punya and the later on Paapubandhi Punya. Even our among Jains it would be very difficult to see persons whose Punyanubandhi Punya are due.
 You are looking at jain and non-jain only for this birth. What about the birth soul has taken in the past? There cannot be direct co-relation between financial prosperity and jain or non-jain.

 Now your remaining question on how dev-devi can travel from Aasaam - on east corner of India to Kutchh - on west corner of India when the time of Brhma Muhurat - morning 4 to 6 are at a different time.
 You have not known the speed at which Devta travels. We would certainly feel inferiority complex if we know it. At this juncture I would only suggest that let us first have sufficient knowledge of Jainism. Most of the doubts and questions raised are due to ignorance of jainism. In this situation, I am not surpised at you statement that "so called JIN VANI is TRUE UNIVERSALLY is hard to believe."
 One last word on this discussion. When I was at the age of 20 I had raised the same doubts as now raised but I was lucky enough to get answers from my parents and Guruji's. My further study on Jainism removed my doubts. I therefore suggest that everyone should first start studying Jainism. There is no point in raising doubts and not putting an effort to study Jainism.
 If I have stated anything against Jin Vani, I beg Michhami Dukkadam.

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